Monday, November 24, 2008

Ju's Back, Ryo's Gay...err wait, what?

I'm back! Vox makes my computer lag way too much, now, so I realized it was time to move on and find a new place to mediaspam. So, I've settled myself here! And I shall start off with some damn sexy scans of NewS/Kanjani 8 member Nishikido a German magazine using his pictures for an article on being gay in Japan. I'm too lazy to go searching for the original scans that featured these pictures. Who cares? He's DAMN sexy in these. And hey, he COULD be a gay guy in Japan, for all we know...well, hell, he's in Johnny's. But let me have my dreams. I mean, yaoi dreams are fun and all, but these pictures make me want him all to myself. Badly.

See what I mean? I'd tap that in a heartbeat. I'd let him....yeah. You know. I would let him. In a heartbeat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, but actually he isn't gay, right?