Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from Sexy Daiki

He wants you to enjoy yourself this Christmas. Yes. <3

(Capped from the "Mayonaka no Shadow Boy" making of.)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Who needs bodyguards? The idols can protect themselves!

Sez Nakayama Nana of H!P Kansai's SI*NA, anyway.

But hey, her little brother is in Johnny's. He probably needs to learn self defense skills a lot more than she does. Because we all know that wota are a gentle people, and fangirls are the SCARY ones.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hey Rella, I'LL EAT YOU UP!


The one and only BoA took this picture of my favourite oppa, and I love it. He took the opportunity to criticize her photography skills on his blog, though. XDD

Monday, December 8, 2008

Waki Miko Reimu


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This song calms me, and it makes me smile. :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I shouldn't say it, but it starts with a B...

SO, so wrong. And I can't help but love it for that.

Friday, December 5, 2008

My Love

マイラブ - bouno!

I'm very much into Buono!'s "Rottara Rottara", but I'm currently even more in love with its B-side, "My Love". Buono! were due to try a ska type song, anyway. =)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

都会っ子 in the rain

I really like this picture of Manoeri from her blog. The city + the rain makes for a really cool shot! She doesn't look too pleased with the weather, though. XD I really like her jacket, too.

Here, have a song to go with it, CSJH The Grace's "Dancer in the Rain":

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Japanese has improved since the last time I listened to a song about virginity for the first time

I mean, it's not like I knew what anything in AKB's "Virgin love" meant when I first heard that. But when I heard the first line of "Hito natsu no keiken" for the first time a few days ago, I understood it perfectly! Go me.

Anyway, this song is awesome. I've had the melody stuck in my head ever since I first heard it. And there's nothing like sexual Jpop songs for me to sing in front of my English-speaking friends while internally laughing at how they're none the wiser! I know, I'm hardcore. Risako does a pretty good job of this song, here. =)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chinen is no longer U15!!!

I mean, he's not OVER 15 yet, but still. 15 is a big number. So happy birthday to Chinen Yuri! May your life be filled with plenty of this:

Except, with no camera in the room, and with whoever he pleases, be it Mori or someone else! And less clothing. And it'd help if the bed were a bit bigger than that one.

Keep up the sexy and the pimping of all the boys around you, Chinen. You've got a great life ahead of you. <3 (I wanted to call him "kiddo", but 15, yo!)

Nicholas Teo - 忘记爱过

I had this song in my head for a few days, but couldn't remember for sure what it was. I was quite sure it was a Nicholas Teo song, though, so I went through the songs by him on my iPod until I found it. =) I really like it. <3 I like the bits in the video where the two Nicholases take turns singing lines...and oh, he's such a cutie.

Friday, November 28, 2008

You are my light in the dark

Princess strikes (me in the heart) again. <3

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I spent two minutes trying to figure out why NakaSaki looked different that night, and then I realized IT WAS OGAWA SAKI. Um, the kid...grew. And got better at singing. o_o Anyway, Qian Lin! She looks like a real Chinese pop star here, and I love it. She sings well, too! <3 She outshone both of the others for me. Yeah, Airi whatever, she's sounded like this since 2006. I'm still waiting for her to deliver on all that amazing potential she showed as a kid. But LINLIN! I love her. <3

Kioku no Meiro (Live)

Do I love this song? Yep. Am I surprised by how Captain started working the whole sexy thing? Yep. Is Maeda Yuuka doing a pretty good job? Yep. Is the dance routine great? Yep. EUROBEATS!!! And fuck is that piano part at the beginning in this live ever cool!

Oppa says hi.

Hi, oppa. <3

Monday, November 24, 2008

Ju's Back, Ryo's Gay...err wait, what?

I'm back! Vox makes my computer lag way too much, now, so I realized it was time to move on and find a new place to mediaspam. So, I've settled myself here! And I shall start off with some damn sexy scans of NewS/Kanjani 8 member Nishikido a German magazine using his pictures for an article on being gay in Japan. I'm too lazy to go searching for the original scans that featured these pictures. Who cares? He's DAMN sexy in these. And hey, he COULD be a gay guy in Japan, for all we know...well, hell, he's in Johnny's. But let me have my dreams. I mean, yaoi dreams are fun and all, but these pictures make me want him all to myself. Badly.

See what I mean? I'd tap that in a heartbeat. I'd let him....yeah. You know. I would let him. In a heartbeat.